How do we know God has a plan for each one of us?
Ephesians 5:17
Does the existence of this “plan” mean we have no choice in our lives?
God’s omniscience does not mean we are puppets with no choice
(God chooses a certain person for certain ministry because He knows the person has a certain characteristics and is capable of accomplishing the task–the plan is not random nor irrational)
Imagine a world where God honors all our choices…
Assuming you are interested in following God’s leading, there are four scenarios:
1. God tells you some basic plans early on and you make decisions according to those plans. When the right times come, you get more instructions.
— Some positive factors:
Less time wasted in useless pursuits
More preparations
— Some negative factors:
Psychological burdens-may be good or bad
Disobedience much more unforgivable
–Example: John the Baptist, Joseph
2. God does not tell you any plans but implants a sense of “calling” or “burden” in your heart.
— Some positive factors:
A sense of calling can lead to preparations, different (hopefully more faithful) choices
— Some negative factors:
Period of searching for the precise direction may cause temporary confusion–not always bad, though
May try to do it your own way and cause other problems
–Example: Moses, Nehemiah
3. You are zealous for God and decides to explore the life of servanthood given what is available to you.
— Some positive factors:
Because the choice started with yours, you have less reason to fight it
— Some negative factors:
May led to your efforts on what you think is the work of God–could be counterproductive
–Example: Saul (who became Paul)
4. You have little or no idea of the plan, but you accomplish it by faithfully doing your duties.
— Some positive factors:
The path may seem less “dictated” and easier to travel, especially if you are independent
That journey makes you more seasoned, mature
— Some negative factors:
Could be frustrating if you do have a desire to follow God, but do not see God’s leading for a while–but would God really not tell you if you had asked???
–Example: Daniel, Naussica (from a Japanese cartoon)
So what should you do if you care about following God?
Ask (Jeremiah 33:3)
Do your duties (Proverbs 21:31)
Seek first the kingdom of God (Luke 12:31)
Put God in your considerations of any plans (Luke 12:16-20)
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