Updated: 4/29/2024
The lessons here are mostly sermons I gave in the past few years, but also include some Sunday school lessons from two decades ago. You do not need to follow this guide in sequence within a section, except for the first section about salvation for non-Christians. Also, some lessons may appear more than once in different sections. Hope they are a blessing to you. Ministers and teachers: you are free to use these in your sermons or classes. A quick note from you would be a great encouragement for me.
Section Index (click to jump to that section)
- The concept of salvation and how to be saved — for Non-Christians
- Finding the meaning of life and directions in life
- How to live a Christian lifestyle
- How to serve God and other people
- For those facing struggles in life
- For those struggling with sin
- For those dealing with family matters such as how to be good parents
- For those with doubts
- For those who love science
- For those who love Bible prophecies
- Seeing Christian concepts from popular culture
- For those who like to explore God’s character further
The concept of salvation and how to be saved — for Non-Christians
These are lessons for people who have not yet committed their lives to Jesus Christ, but are also good for Christians to review and understand their faith.
- A Tale of Two Friends – A story that explains the Christian concept of salvation very clearly. A must-read for non-Christians possibly interested in the Christian faith. I recommend this to be the first lesson for a non-Christian.
- Word Becoming Flesh – Why did Jesus have to become a human being to save mankind?
- The Four Dead People on Good Friday – The story of five people who represented the different paths for all mankind (hint: one of them didn’t die).
- How to Prove Resurrection and Jesus’s Deity – Yes, resurrection can be proven with plenty of indirect evidence
- Creating Your Own Religion – Let’s have fun and try to create our own religion, and compare the result with the Christian faith.
- Is Christianity a Natural Religion? – This lesson explores how Christianity doesn’t fit the pattern of a religion created by men. Then compare your results with other religions in the world today.
Also, once someone commits his life to Christ, he should be encouraged to get baptized, and here’s a lesson to explain what that ceremony means:
- The Meaning of Water Baptism – Just as the title describes. Water baptism can be explained by the analogies to a wedding and a funeral.
Finding the meaning of life and directions in life
Once someone decides to accept Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior, it is very helpful for him to understand the meaning of the Christian life.
The Meaning of Christian Life Series – The first three lessons based on three parables by Jesus teach us about the right perspective on three things that we have while on Earth – our time, talents, and treasures (the three T’s). They are perhaps the most important lessons on this website. If you fully understand them and accept them, you will see your life with a totally new perspective. Please go through the following three lessons in order. They have also been turned into a very short book that’s available online or upon request.
- Parable of the Ten Minas – Our time – we all have one life and cannot keep it, but we can use it properly to gain eternal life or waste it.
- Parable of the Bags of Gold – Our talents – we are born with different amounts and we can gain more, and they last into eternity.
- Parable of the Shrewd Manager – Our treasures– the earthly treasures are temporary and not ours but we can use it to gain eternal treasures that are truly ours.
The Kingdom of God series goes deep into this topic of following God and finding a direction in life. The seven parables are covered in five different lessons:
- 1. The Parable of the Four Soils (a.k.a. The Sower) – How can we prepare ourselves to be fertile soil for the Gospel to grow in us?
- 2. The Parable of the Wheat and Tares – Why doesn’t God just get rid of bad Christians immediately.
- 3 & 4. The Parables of the Mustard Seed and Yeast in the Dough – How do we grow through the Word, the Holy Spirit, our experiences, and our sins.
- 5 & 6. The Parables of the Hidden Treasure and Precious Pearl – Why we may need to change our focus in life or our careers
- 7. The Parable of the Fishes (a.k.a. The Fishing Net) – Why we need to be “useful” in God’s Kingdom.
- Field of Dreams – One’s Calling – How to trust and follow God when it doesn’t make sense.
- Finding God’s Plan for Your Life – A quick guide to finding God’s plan for you.
- Parable of the Evil Tenants – Tenant farming is a great analogy of Christian living while on this Earth.
- Mary’s Journey: The Mystery of Destiny – Let’s learn from Mary’s experience.
- King’s Wedding Banquet – We are saved by grace, but God does have some expectations for us.
How to live a Christian lifestyle
After you have accepted Jesus and understood the meaning of your new life, you should learn how you can live a Christian lifestyle. These lessons will help you.
The Beatitudes – These are teachings from Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount. They serve as a guide to Christian living and progression.
- Beatitudes 1-4: Recognition of Sin, Repentance, Humility, and Seeking Righteousness – The first four beatitudes
- Beatitudes 5: Mercy
- Beatitudes 6: Pure Heart
- Beatitudes 7: Be a Peacemaker
- Beatitudes 8: Be Persecuted for Righteousness
- The Barren Fig Tree in the Vineyard – What’s God’s expectations of us?
- Building on a Solid Foundation – What are the foundation of our Christian living?
Les Misérables – This story by Victor Hugo actually teaches us very valuable lessons on Christian living through its characters.
- Les Misérables 1 — Changing Lives through Mercy and Grace – The priest who took in Valjean and protected him
- Les Misérables 2 — Small Decisions, Big Consequences – Valjean as factory owner
- Les Misérables 3 — Law, Mercy, and Forgiveness – The conflict between Valjean and Javier the Inspector
- Les Misérables 4 — The Calling of Our Times – The students trying to bring about a better society
- Les Misérables 5 — The Greatest Love: Self-Sacrifice – Valjean as the father to Cosette
- God Works at the DMV Too? (personal story) – This is the story of my wife’s car’s license plate which God used to teach me very important lessons about living and serving.
- Wine and Wineskin – How can we be continuously transformed into better Christians?
- Devil’s Consultant – A fun project inspired by C.S. Lewis’s The Screwtape Letters. What advise would you give to the devil to pull Christians away from God?
- Forgiveness – Why should we forgive others for their offenses? How does that benefit us?
- The Ten Virgins – Are you prepared for Christ’s return?
- The Little Urge and Its Big Impact (personal story) – Following the little voices to do the right things
How to serve God and other people
- The Good Samaritan – The most quoted parable of helping others.
- Photosynthesis – Let’s learn from how plants live – creating more energy than what we consume.
- The Good Shepherd and the Good Sheep – Let’s learn to serve and be served.
- Wise and Faithful Servants – How to teach the Gospel to others.
- The Friend at Midnight – How to provide for others and why something trivial to you can be important to others.
- Bringing out New Treasures – How to timely teach others about God.
- The Little Urge and Its Big Impact (personal story) – Following the little voices to do the right things
For those facing struggles in life
- Overcoming Adversity 1 – Waiting – Sometimes we have to wait for God…
- Overcoming Adversity 2 – Paul’s Thorn – Sometimes God puts something difficult in our lives to benefit us.
- Overcoming Adversity 3 – Treasure in the Earthen Vessel – But God has given us his Holy Spirit to help us get through it.
- The Persistent Widow and the Unjust Judge – How to get justice.
- The Donuts Allegory – How the imperfections in our lives help us become better Christians.
- Blessings in Disguise (personal story)
- Grandma’s Unfinished Business (personal story) – God shows me how He is in control. This story spanned 18 years before it was completely fulfilled.
- Mistakes or Miracles? (personal story) – Don’t always see your mistakes in a negative light.
- Star Wars – The Fight Between Good and Evil – Why such conflict is necessary for growth.
For those struggling with sin
“Christians are not sinless. They are just forgiven.” But that does not mean we don’t need to strive for a sinless life, but in the meantime, God can use our sins to help us grow.
- Mystery of the Washing Machine – The Church is like a washing machine and we are dirty clothes trying to get clean. How that actual works is rather surprising.
- The Parable of the Wine and Wineskin – How do we make wine in a wineskin is a great analogy of how God uses sin to help us grow.
- The Parables of the Mustard Seed and Yeast in the Dough – How do we grow through the Gospel and our sins.
- Forgiveness – Why should we forgive others for their offenses? How does that benefit us?
For those dealing with family matters such as how to be good parents
- Jochebed, the Mother of Moses – A comprehensive sermon about parenthood
- A Father’s Reflections – For fathers, but really for all parents.
- Today’s Mary – For mothers, but really for all parents.
For those with doubts
- How to Prove Resurrection and Jesus’s Deity – Yes, resurrection can be proven with plenty of indirect evidence
- When God Says “No” – Why would God reject our requests?
- Grandma’s Unfinished Business (personal story) – God shows me how He is in control. This story spanned 18 years before it was completely fulfilled.
For those who love science
- Science and the Bible – Are they in conflict?
- The First Six Days of Genesis – Genesis 1 is a stumbling block for many “science-minded” people, but could it be due to our misinterpretation and misunderstanding of it? This is based on research by Dr. Hugh Ross. Science involved: Earth science.
- Mystery of the Washing Machine – The Church is like a washing machine and we are dirty clothes trying to get clean. How that actual works is rather surprising. Science involved: chemistry.
- Photosynthesis – Let’s learn from how plants live – creating more energy than what we consume. Science involved: biology.
- The Parables of the Mustard Seed and Yeast in the Dough – How do we grow through the Word, the Holy Spirit, our experiences, and our sins. Science involved: biology and chemistry.
- The Parable of the Four Soils (a.k.a. The Sower) – How can we prepare ourselves to be fertile soil for the Gospel to grow in us? Science involved: Earth science.
For those who love Bible prophecies
As a young Christian, I was fascinated by Bible prophecies because I believe they are the best proof of the validity of my faith. Over the past 40 years I saw many mysterious items become reality. We are living in very exciting times.
- Introduction to Bible Prophecies
- 666 — The Mark of the Beast and an update: The Power of 666 Has Already Been Demonstrated
- Technology in the Bible – The Book of Revelation must had been very cryptic and confusing for people living before the Industrial Revolution. But now, with a bit of creativity, we can see what those mysterious beasts and events could actually be.
- Signs of Approaching End Times and an update done during the pandemic: The End Times — A Reflection
Seeing Christian concepts from popular culture
These are some of my favorite movies or shows, partly because of the Christian messages in them.
Les Misérables – this story by Victor Hugo actually teaches us very valuable lessons on Christian living through its characters
- Les Misérables 1 — Changing Lives through Mercy and Grace
- Les Misérables 2 — Small Decisions, Big Consequences
- Les Misérables 3 — Law, Mercy, and Forgiveness
- Les Misérables 4 — The Calling of Our Times
- Les Misérables 5 — The Greatest Love: Self-Sacrifice
- Star Wars – The Fight between good and evil
- It’s a Wonderful Life – Living for others gives meaning to our lives
- Field of Dreams – Following one’s calling even when you don’t understand it.
- Nausicaa & The Valley of the Wind – Following God’s plan unknowingly.
For those who like to explore God’s character further
- Workers in the Vineyard – The strange behavior of the vineyard owner tells us much about God’s character.
- The Prodigal Son – Or is it the prodigal father who willingly let his son waste half of his money? What does the father, who represents God, really care about?
- Christ and the Four Gospels – The four main characteristics of Jesus Christ is revealed in the symbolisms (lion, ox, human, and eagle in Ezekiel and Book of Revelation) and the styles of the Four Gospels.